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EmStat Pico Module

Proven tested and calibrated dual-channel potentiostat

  • Enables rapid prototyping, no programming skills needed
  • Easy to reproduce measurements using MethodSCRIPT
  • Support from Analog Devices & PalmSens
  • Used by 200+ OEM customers


The EmStat Pico is a proven stand-alone potentiostat module which enables you to perform electrochemical measurements using your own electrochemical sensor without programming skills. You can integrate this small dual-channel module on your PCB without any potentiostat knowledge thanks to the joint development by Analog Devices Inc and PalmSens.

Our tested and calibrated modules are used by over 100+ OEM customers in over 30 countries. Our network, experience and support will help you succeed and save development time with the smallest potentiostat module on the market.

  • Dimensions: 18 x 30 x 2.6 mm
  • Dual channel (2x WE, 2x RE, 2x CE)
  • EIS frequency range: 0.016 Hz to 200 kHz
  • Full dc-potential range: -1.7 V to +2 V
  • Current ranges: 100 nA to 5 mA
  • Four different versions available, each with different electrochemical techniques.


  Low Speed mode High Speed mode Max Range mode
Full dc-potential range -1.2 to +2 V -1.7 to +2 V -1.7 to +2 V
Dynamic dc-potential range [1] 2.2 V 1.2 V 2.6 V
Compliance voltage -2.0 to +2.3 V [2]
Maximum current ± 3 mA
Max. data acquisition rate (datapoints/s) 100 1000 100
[1]  The dynamic range is the range that can be covered during a single scan within the full potential range. For example; a linear scan can start at -1.5 V and end at 1.1 V or vice versa, covering 2.6 V dynamic range.
[2] The compliance voltage is the maximum potential between Working and Counter electrode and depends on the selected mode.